Our Partners
Our Partners

Saracens are proud to work in partnership with a range of companies and suppliers, all striving for excellence in their field.

Lead Partner
StoneX provides institutional clients with a complete suite of equity trading services to help them find liquidity with best execution and end-to-end clearing.
Principal Partner
Shawbrook is a specialist savings and lending bank, offering personal loans, residential and commercial mortgages, business finance, and savings products.
Principal Partner
Castore is the world's first premium sportswear brand, for the discerning athlete who values attention to detail & precision performance features.
Principal Partner
Dedicated sports brand creating durable training equipment to improve your core skills across all aspects of sport.
TREK bars, which deliver natural, long-lasting energy with no artificial ingredients, believe in providing better snacks for the environment. Their 100% plant based ingredients show their ambition to keep ingredients as close to their original form as possible, keeping the best nutritional value, in every bar.
Principal Partner
Provides premium protective activewear and technical gear to enable people of all abilities to enjoy their sport
Principal Partner
Zinc Sports
Keep pushing to create unforgettable experiences, for children, adults, and anyone in between. Zinc the UK’s No 1 Scooter Brand.
Greene King IPA
As the country's leading pub retailer and brewer, we welcome our customers into our 2,700 pubs, restaurants and hotels across the UK.


Any person who enters the stadium (including the P1, P2 and P3 car parks) at StoneX Stadium, Greenlands Lane, NW4 1RL (“the Stadium”),or any satellite parks operated by Saracens (whether or not owned by Saracens) or other property owned or under the control of Saracens at the time of use, is admitted only on the basis of these regulations and by entering the Stadium or other property herein defined shall be deemed to have accepted these regulations.

Any person who enters the Stadium is liable to be searched by a servant or agent of Saracens at the point of entry or at any other point in and around the Stadium where a reasonable suspicion of a crime being committed occurs.
Saracens reserve the right to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Stadium, any person who declines to be searched.
All vehicles shall be parked within car parks in accordance with instructions communicated by Saracens, its servants or agents.
The times during which the car parks are open will be set out on the relevant car park pass issued in relation to the event or in written communication at the time of purchasing car parking.
Admission of vehicles cannot be guaranteed later than 90 minutes before the advertised commencement or kick-off time
The erection of any awning, gazebo or similar construction is not permitted in any car park.
Admission to the Stadium is determined by ticket or invitation only; access will be via the entrance shown on the ticket or advised in written communication and cannot be guaranteed if the ticket holder arrives at the Stadium less than 30 minutes before the advertised commencement of the event.
In the Stadium, no unauthorised person is permitted on the field of play or performance area unless permission has been authorised to do so i.e. during a festival, any pre-match game or the traditional post-rugby match access.
This area includes the pitch and its surrounding area as well as the tunnel access from pitch to West stand during a rugby fixture, the track area during an athletics event or any pre-determined performance space both external or internal to any of the buildings.
Only a person specifically authorised in writing by Saracens is permitted within the Stadium to offer for sale or distribute without charge any item or article whatsoever.
No charitable or other collection within the Stadium shall be undertaken except with the specific authorisation of Saracens. Evidence of such authorisation must be displayed clearly (and in the form stipulated by Saracens) by those carrying out such authorised collections.
Any person entering the Stadium must comply with the lawful directions of any pioneer, steward or other servant or agent of Saracens.
Saracens shall be entitled to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Stadium, any person whose behaviour or conduct could in the reasonable opinion of Saracens constitute a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to spectators or other persons. Any such behaviour should be reported to the nearest
steward, Pioneer immediately or Safeguarding Lead (safeguarding@saracens.net) immediately.
Any item which, in the reasonable opinion of Saracens, its servants or agents, that could be used as a weapon, are not allowed within the Stadium and admission may be refused to those in possession of such item.
Saracens reserves the right to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Stadium, any person who in the reasonable opinion of Saracens, its servants or agents, makes or incites any form of offensive, racial or homophobic abuse, chanting, gesturing or behaviour. Any such behaviour should be reported to the nearest steward or Pioneer immediately.
Unnecessary noise or behaviour likely to cause confusion or nuisance of any kind, including without limitation foul, abusive or offensive language, is not permitted within the Stadium. Saracens reserve the right to eject from the stadium any person behaving in such a manner. Any such behaviour should be reported to the nearest steward or Pioneer immediately.
Admission to the Stadium will be denied to ticket holders or invitees to an event where they are deemed under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Where admission is refused in such circumstances, no money will be refunded.
All promotional, commercial, political or religious items of whatever nature, including but not limited to banners, signs, symbols and leaflets are prohibited and may not be brought into the Stadium unless authorised by Saracens.
Except for photography for bona fide private non-commercial uses, the possession or operation of recording or transmission equipment of any kind is prohibited within the Stadium. This includes without limitation photography, filming, audio or other recording or transmission, or the compilation or transmission of data, save with the specific authorisation of Saracens, such authorisation is hereby given in respect of photography for bona fide private non-commercial uses unless and until Saracens notifies otherwise.
Climbing onto or into stands, buildings, fences, structures or fittings within the Stadium is prohibited.
Drinks purchased in the Stadium should not be taken out of the Stadium. Alcoholic drinks purchased outside the Stadium should not be brought into the Stadium.
Any person using a glass bottle, glass receptacle or can within any car park is responsible for its safe use and disposal.
The construction or use of any type of fire, naked flame barbecue or liquified petroleum gas device, for cooking or heating, is prohibited within the Stadium and car parks, unless permission is granted by Stadium management.
Animals or other livestock are not allowed into the Stadium without the specific authorisation from Saracens. Assistance dogs are permitted within the Stadium.
On stadium event days all areas of the stadium effective from once you enter the stadium through any entrance gate are non-smoking areas. If persons wish to smoke (including Vaporizers and E-Cigarettes) they must leave the stadium via the entry gates, ensuring that they take their ticket with them and ensuring that in the external areas where they smoke they do not obstruct entrance gates and turnstiles.
Saracens reserves the right for the Stadium Director or Event Day Safety Officer as its agent and without prior notice to revoke or vary any of the Regulations with immediate effect if this is considered necessary on public safety. Any such revocation or variation of the Regulations will be displayed as soon as practicable at the Stadium and car parks.
Saracens shall be entitled to refuse admission or re-admission to, or to eject from the Stadium, any person who does not comply with these Regulations.
By purchasing match tickets and entering the stadium, all persons are acknowledging that photographic images and/or video recording (and/or stills taken from video recordings) may be taken of them and may also be used, by way of example and without limitation, in televised or live streamed coverage of the game or by or on behalf of the Saracens or any rugby authority (or their commercial partners) for marketing, training or promotional purposes.
The safety and welfare of visitors to the StoneX Stadium is paramount. All visitors to the StoneX Stadium are required to comply fully with Saracens Safeguarding and Diversity & Inclusion Policies. Saracens shall be entitled to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Stadium, any person whose behaviour or conduct could in the reasonable opinion of Saracens constitute a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to spectators or other persons. Any such behaviour should be reported to the nearest
steward, Pioneer immediately or Safeguarding Lead (safeguarding@saracens.net) immediately.
Saracens have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implement controls to help ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business. Saracens is committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chain. We expect the same high standards from all our contractors, suppliers, business partners and anyone using services or facilities at our grounds. Any person found breaching this policy may be banned from Saracens’ ground/premises for a period of time and up to a lifetime ban for serious breaches.


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