Ahead of this weekend’s big double header away to Loughborough Lightning we grabbed a chat with outside back Sydney Gregson for our next ‘Know Your Sarries’
How old were you when you started rugby and what was your first club?
I was about 12 and Letchworth Rugby Club
Rugby hero?
Nolli (Waterman) is a big one for me. She was my coach at Hartpury and before I went there I didn’t take rugby that seriously. She gave me that desire to want to play for my country and want to take it a bit more seriously.
What do you prefer? Putting in a big hit or scoring a try?
Scoring tries is nice obviously but I do like making a good hit especially if it’s a try-saving tackle or a making a good hit to build momentum. When I was younger I used to absolutely hate defence but over the last couple of years I’ve actually quite enjoyed tackling!
Favourite player to watch?
In Sevens, Portia Woodman is an absolute powerhouse and scores tries for fun. I really like watching her.
Funniest moment on the rugby pitch?
In Australia, don’t know if you’ve heard but I went to Australia…
In one of the tournaments out there I borrowed one of the girl’s fake tans, didn’t really think much of it and was layering it on. I came out and they were all laughing because it was Bondi Sands Ultra Dark. I then put a bit on Chantelle (Miel) which meant she had to put it on as well
So the next day there were two little orange blobs running around the pitch!
Karaoke song of choice?
I love a bit of Whitney Houston, or Beyoncé but the teenage girl inside me would say Kelly Clarkson ‘Since You’ve Been Gone’
Favourite film?
I loved The Greatest Showman. Went to see it twice at the cinema and cried both times
Favourite TV show?
Big lover of crime series. My favourite…probably have to say Luther. If you need a crime series, I’m your girl!
Favourite band or musician?
My music taste is so broad. I love Khalid, The Weekend, Sigrid and Rex Orange County, so a bit of a mix really!
Ideal try celebration music?
Probably something sassy like Beyoncé
Any phobias?
Cling film. Don’t ask, it just creeps me out.
Secret talents?
I should probably mention bananagrams. I get ripped for playing it all the time but I think it’s just jealousy because I always win.. that, or I’m really good at Dad dancing
If you could spend the day as any animal, what would it be and why?
Probably a monkey, they look really cute and innocent but they’re really mischievous and massive show offs.